I would do this through the online/part time modality so I can work and maintain myself in the meantime. My plan would be to study an associate of science and a GIS certificate program at my local college so I can later study a Bachelor of Technology in GIS at BCIT. I'm ok with leaving money on the table in favor of getting to work in cool locations. I understand that a lot of GIS positions/careers rarely involve doing surveys and mapping, but in my case is not exclusively about the paycheque. I really enjoy working outside, but having experience in silviculture, I would like to move towards something from which I can gain seniority and at some point, retire. I think that it would be a nice mixture of field and office work. My ideal would be working for a forest resource consulting firm as a GIS Technician. I've recently become more and more intrigued by the possibility of pursuing a career in GIS.